Welcome Message
With over 15 years of distinguished experience in Early Years Foundation Stage departments, both in the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates, Rose brings a wealth of expertise and enthusiasm to our community. Her journey in education, characterised by various leadership roles including Head of Year and Nursery Principal, reflects her deep commitment to creating enriching and nurturing learning environments where children can truly thrive.
Rose Akachi - Head of Early YearsSupporting Neurodiverse Students and Students of Determination
At DBF, we are a fully inclusive school, adhering to the Dubai Universal Access Code. Our dedicated inclusion team, led by our SENDCO and Inclusion Lead, works closely with all staff to implement a graduated response to identify and remove barriers to learning for neurodiverse students and students of determination.
Universal Support All students benefit from high-quality, differentiated teaching and learning, with ongoing assessments informing any additional provision needs.
Targeted Support Some students may benefit from small-group interventions to support their learning.
Specialist Support Specific, targeted interventions for individuals may require specialist support, with associated costs met by parents.
We collaborate with Early Intervention Centres to ensure smooth transitions for young children with SEND into mainstream education. Based on assessment upon entry and identification procedures, we determine the appropriate level of support for each student, tailored to their development and experience.
Personalised Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are developed for students identified as experiencing SEND. We ensure that these students are actively supported to participate in learning and social interactions in age-appropriate, inclusive environments.
Our school is designed according to the Dubai Universal Design Code, with a wheelchair-friendly, single-level layout to accommodate students with movement needs. Additionally, DBF features a sensory room, available throughout the day, enhancing support for our neurodiverse students.